martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Gears of War: Judgment, First Impressions

Gears of War Judgment becomes, once again, to be a shooter in the unusual third person in which a squad of disproportionately muscular men and women only vaguely female face an unknown enemy monster that came out of the ground and wants to kill all the world. Damon Baird still lieutenant of the squad kilo, we count the events of the day of the emergency, when the Locust Horde decided to take the surface to the assault. These are my first impressions of Gears of War Judgment.

Gears of War: Judgment, First Impressions

The Gears of War franchise has always held a special place in my heart. I can not count the times I've played the campaigns or the amount of times I've failed miserably in Horde mode. When I heard that the trilogy, which said they were not going to make more deliveries, will have a new game, I received the news with mixed feelings. First, they would release another Gears. Furthermore, they had one more chance to break Gears.

Where are my grenades?

The highlight and one of the things that will hurt the old fans is that they have chosen to change the control scheme. Looking standardization, Gears of War Judgment get me fighting the controller for a while, instinctively looking my grenades in the crosshairs. This is more of an emotional level complaint than mechanic but can hinder how it will fit the fan base of the original trilogy to this new release. And the fan base is not quite ready to fit anything without complaining.

Gears of War: Judgment review

The rest of the most notable changes are in the new multiplayer mode. Dubbed as "Overrun" confronts us to ten waves of incredible difficulty. Our goal is to defend an emergence hole sealing locust onslaught. When the seal loses its integrity, players fall back on a posterior position to defend from the advancing horde that appear from the newly reopened hole. In the third and final phase, the Gears must defend a transmitter that is ordering an attack with the hammer of dawn, representing his last chance to reject their brutal enemies.

Overrun mode of Gears of War Judgment presents also the new class system. Maybe demystifying the COG soldier is able to employ with equal efficiency a sniper rifle than a retro-lancer, Overrun has four classes, each with different gear and special abilities. This forces a team to be much more coordinated and enhances the sense of belonging to a squadron. As a final note, Overrun is extremely difficult, with the level of the enemies grow exponentially after each wave. For a moment you are defending yourselve from Therons and tickers, a couple of waves later you have a Corpser digging under your defenses and eating your transmitter.

From Lieutenant to war criminal

Braid Damon leads the cast of Gears of War Judgment, supported by Augustus "Cole Train" Cole as another character who returns from the last delivery. Cole, unfortunately, lost some prominence, especially in the first chapter, in favor of the other two members of the squad kilo. The story is told from the perspective of the statements of the members from kilo amid the locust onslaught.

Gears of War Judgment Braid Damon

Garron Paduck play the bitter cast of the plot. Former Army officer and veteran of the UIR, COG enemies Pendulum wars, now joins the ranks of Gears under the command of a lieutenant newbie like Baird. Paduck is a very seasoned soldier who has learned to put his safety and that of his squad to the formalities of military protocol and chain of command. His raspy voice and his war wounds comments accompany the line "no one has to know."

Sophia Hendricks will be in charge of balancing Paduck. Sophia is a cadet at the academy onyx guard. Is the rookie who has not even graduated from the academy, launched into battle with no real experience with the rigidity of a soldier indoctrinated. To top it off, she will join into the squad of the acid pessimistic Baird, and Cole , the thrashball ex-player.

Play it again

People Can Fly have been keen to Gears of War Judgment is replayable. This implemented a dynamic appearance of enemies, making each section contains different enemies and come from different angles. If it was something remarkable during the preview, was only because of the discrepancies in the difficulty of climbing the same stairs twice. The system is similar, so we were told, to the Director of Left4Dead: Try forcing the player to move forward if you are very still, throw harder enemies if things go well and generally fits you.

Gears of War: Judgment logo

The other novelty is also added to the replayability of the new Gears of War, is the ranking system. At the end of each section of a chapter, we received an assessment in terms of casualties, headshots, executions and the times you've been knocked down. Depending on how well or badly we have done, we received more than three stars, which accumulate during the campaign and unlock content including additional campaign completely independent, apparently based on the events following the events of Gears of War 3.

To top it finished, to add difficulty to the campaign or to offer more content, along find pieces of history "classified information", parts of the truth Baird omitted during his judgment. These "classified missions" represent a choice between increasing the difficulty to obtain a better assessment at the end of the chapter or continue the mission unchanged. All missions have a small classified Baird narrative explaining the circumstances that have led him to omit this information during his testimony.


After that date, those of you who have decided to inform you about Gears of War Judgment already have your own first impressions. The game is receiving much criticism for his changes and is also receiving much criticism for leaving things equal. In my opinion, is receiving much criticism because it is the first Gears of War that has not Cliff Bleszinski direction or fully developed by Epic Games.

Gears of War: Judgment paduck

To be honest, Gears of War Judgment has it very difficult. Almost any game reaches its third installment having getting better each before. It usually happens the opposite. Think Fable, Dead Space or Assassins Creed. Gears of War has achieved at least that. Now preparing for a new release. It will not be better than Gears of War 3. It is almost impossible that it will be just as good. But that does not mean there will not be a good game.

What I saw and played in the presentation was a solid game, with a campaign interesting for fans of the series and for newcomers and a challenging new cooperative multiplayer. Yes, I found details that made it feel different from my old and loved Gears of War, but not for stop wanting to play it. Nothing would please me more than to see all the fanboys, who are criticizing the game having only seen screenshots, having to eat his words. Unfortunately, the fanboys never admit anything and the game still has time to be failure.

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