sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

DotA 2 Joins The Free To Play Wave

Dota 2 Free To play

Some commentators have suggested that the Free to Play model could be a feasible way to keep the game industry profitable and opinions vary as to the validity of this idea, but the truth is that we are seeing more games (especially on PC) being published with this scheme.

Now Valve has announced that its strategy game DotA 2 will be free to play with the possibility of paying for optional items.

Heroes will not cost either because that would be "destructive to the game design" and that will be sold purely cosmetic features (vanity items) with no effect on the gameplay but the advantage of being more "badass", but thes items may also be obtained through fighting or trading.

The Workshop Steam game will also create custom items which can be rated by other players and if one gets enough points and good comments, developers could add to the official store, giving part of the profits to the creators of this item. A good deal, do not you think?

Although Dota 2 is still in beta, who buys something in the game now you can keep it when the title finally hits the market.

Dota 2 is a Real Time Strategy developed from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne Blizzard for PC and Mac that still has no release date but is expected to be this year .

The model under which
Valve think to work sounds very beneficial for the players and it's a pleasure to see these initiatives to reinvigorate a market that has undergone recent economic problems... Applause for this decision

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